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social media Posts

  • What Is Fake News, and How Can You Identify It?

    Mar 18, 2022Fake news can sometimes very closely mimic real news. And unfortunately, fake news spreads faster than facts.

    Fake news can sometimes very closely mimic real news. And unfortunately, fake news spreads faster than facts, whether it’s the Russia-Ukraine war, COVID-19, climate change, or breaking celebrity news. Especially now in 2022, when all media is filled with different information. What Is Fake News? There are two kinds: News that aren’t true. These are […]

  • 10 Content Ideas to Increase Social Media Engagement in 2022

    Feb 03, 2022From creating remainders to memes, there are many ways to engage with your brand community.

    The word “engagement” has become part of our daily routine in the digital world. If you want to reach the right audience for your business and build brand community, you need to know what motivates potential customers to take action. In addition, to become a successful social media user, you need to have a basic […]

  • 2021 Instagram Hashtag Guide: Do Hashtags Work?

    Sep 23, 2021Using Instagram hashtags strategically is a really great way to connect with your audience

    In 2021, with 1.16 billion Instagram accounts fighting for attention, it’s becoming more challenging to grab user’s attention.  However, there are plenty of ways to boost your Instagram presence, and Instagram hashtags are one of them. But much of what people have come to believe about hashtags and how the Instagram algorithm works is wrong. […]

  • Should You Hire Marketing Agency or Marketing Person In 2021?

    Mar 04, 2021Take the quiz to determine which way is right for you.

    We guess you already heard that if you want to drive revenue to the next level, you need to invest in marketing to attract new customers and raise brand awareness. So far, so obvious. Right? But the question is should you hire a marketing team, do your own marketing or work with a marketing agency? […]

  • 5 Fabulous Ideas for New Year’s Content

    Jan 11, 2021After taking these 5 steps, you can complement your winter content plan with trending ideas.

    Before the holidays, most buyers are looking for ideas for gifts and surprises on social networks – Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook. 71% of global Pinterest users are female, according to Statista. When concentrating on the US, Pinterest reaches 83% of women ages 25-54. That same group makes 80% of US households’ buying decisions. They are harnessing […]

  • Brand’s Online Appearance. Importance to Your Success

    Jan 11, 2021For the success of your brand, appearance is paramount.

    We have already dealt with Branding and Brand Identity in our blog. Today we will dive into this topic. So what is a Brand ‘Online Appearance, and why is it so crucial for your success? For the success of your brand, appearance is paramount. And Sweetcode Lab also is continuing to steadily expand our online […]